Magical outfit

Hello mommas!

The other day I posted a story about our busy week of learning to crawl, pulling up, and teething. Well I have a short addition to add today!

Last night my husband and my brother lowered Nugget’s crib mattress since he’s starting to pull himself up. It was perfect timing! My husband woke up first this morning and noticed in the baby monitor that Nugget had in fact, pulled himself to a standing position.


I went to get him up and change his diaper when I noticed a bunch of little brown pieces on his mouth. My husband inspected the crib only to find the little turd had been chewing on the railing! Hahaha

So needless to say we got him cleaned up and ready to go. Looks like I’m headed to the store today to look at crib bedding, or at least some padding for the rails so his beautiful crib doesn’t get completely destroyed!

ALSO!!! – For those of you following…anyone notice his outfit? It is indeed, the same outfit in all of his “firsts” pictures. Either Old Navy’s clothes have magical properties or my house is just a highly coincidental place! I can’t decide if I want him to wear this sleeper so he can learn new things or if I should buy new clothes so my little can stay little just a little longer and stop growing up so fast!

Hope you enjoyed my funny for the day!
Cheers mommas,

My Kid is How Old?

Holy freaking cow, where does time go??

I remember August (the last month of my pregnancy) being about 8265 weeks long.  However, I’m pretty sure the last 7 months have only been about 73 minutes long.  There’s no freaking way that we’re already cutting our third tooth while we are crawling and beginning to pull ourselves up on the furniture….STOP IT!


The first time he sat up on his own I wasn’t even paying attention. I walked in from the kitchen and he was just chilling watching TV like this was totally normal…I may have teared up a little.

However, that was nothing! This week alone we have gone from sitting to crawling and crawling to pulling up on the furniture – all while cutting our third tooth!

Thankfully our amber necklace came in today also (notice the above picture!)!! This round of teeth is FAAAAR less pleasant than the first two! The first two came in without me even noticing – I know, mom of the year!  I’ve been waiting on these teeth.  I was seriously hoping there were more coming in; it gave me a reason as to why my Nugget has been a major A-Hole lately!

Any who…My little is steady growing and on the move! I couldn’t be prouder or more excited to be experiencing all of these moments with him.  (While I am totally biased) He is the most adorable Nugget I have ever known and TOTALLY the best thing I have ever made!  I’ll just keep my fingers crossed that things ease up in the next few days so we can all get some sleep – but I will never wish the time away!

7 months

While I am thoroughly enjoying every minute I have with my Nugget, I seriously wonder where they are all going!  When you look forward time takes forever, but when you look back, it is one big giant, beautiful blur!  Although it could just be blurry due to lack of sleep that comes with all these growing pains, who knows!?

Side note: I do change my child’s clothes. It wasn’t until posting all these pictures that I realized he was wearing the same thing in all of them! HAHA He mostly wears sleepers at home if we’re not doing anything and apparently is wearing this one every time we have a monumental day! Maybe green is his lucky color!

Cheers mommas,


So Many Tears!

Hello mommas!

As I write this I am listening to a screaming baby who has never fought sleep harder in his short little life than he has today! I’m fairly certain there has to be some new teeth on their way in. Boy did I just think the first two were bad…compared to the last couple of days, the first two teeth were a cake walk.

Assuming that teeth are our problem (and at this point that could just be a shot in the dark) I am at my wits end.  I have purchased every teething remedy known to man – unfortunately the amber teething necklace has yet to arrive.  And of course, as with everything else parent related, I could be as lost as last years Easter egg!  This guessing game is super trying.

I had all intentions of getting online today to brag about Nugget’s milestones (I know you were looking forward to that!) – He is crawling and beginning to pull himself up!  However, I can no longer get past the crying….SO MUCH CRYING!  I know these days exist, but how are you suppose to get through them if you can’t relax because he’s crying and therefore he won’t stop crying because you won’t relax?!  Is there some trick I’m unaware of, mommas?? Please don’t be shy, share your tips and tricks!  This momma sure could use them!

I thought there was hope given the fact that he not only slept through most of the night, but also had a 2 hour nap this morning.  Things were beginning to look like they were getting back to normal. I’ve even discovered that he sleeps better (and longer) with a blanket. However, ever since he woke up from his nap he has been a pill!  I have attempted the teething tablets and some gripe water in hopes that it eases the pain.  If it is something other than teeth, then I am sitting with my fingers crossed that I can figure it out soon – for all our sake!

7 months

On a lighter note…Nugget is 7 months old today!  Crawling like a champ, eating like a champ, and NOT sleeping…like a champ!

*Post edit: After posting this, I went to check on the Nugget – right as he FINALLY fell asleep! There is hope for my day yet, even though my husband works a little late today so I know this battle is far from over, but I consider this a small victory for the day!

Cheers mommas,


Cold chicken

Hello moms!
Just a quick rant – as nap time is a rare gem these days!
I have quickly come to learn that if parenthood can be summed up into a few words it is “cold chicken and baby giggles!”
Today is one of those days (which come more often than not with baby) where simply surviving is considered a step in the right direction. I’m beyond tired, almost too tired to even sleep. More body parts ache than don’t. And the motivation to bathe dwindles more and more with each passing day! Thus, the cold chicken I consumed for lunch! (Which was oddly satisfying…)
I fed nugget man his usual lunch – some form of pasty, pureed, off colored meal which seems much more appealing to him than to me. Then I found some left over cold BBQ chicken in the fridge that looked great since I knew I could eat it as is and avoid putting effort into even starting the microwave! All in all, a day where we just go through the motions.
Then it happens…through my zombie like motions and his face full of mush…he giggles!


It is in those giggles that I hear “it’s ok, mom. We’ll get through today, just like always!” It is in those giggles that I find solace in knowing that sometimes not being perfect is, in fact, perfectly ok.
Lucky for me Elliott doesn’t have a perfect mother, so therefore he doesn’t know any better as he laughs with me as we bumble through our days.


So to all the other moms out there simply going through the motions, it’s ok! You’re kids don’t know what you’re suppose to be doing anymore than you do! I say fake it! Razzle dazzle them for a moment (they have the attention spans of gnats – it’s not hard). I’m just going to make it look like I know what I’m doing. After all, he’s fed, healthy, beyond loved and alive…I can’t be too awful at mom-ing!


Even though the food may be cold, the love in my house is warm and cozy! So today, in my books, is a raging success!
Don’t be ashamed if you’re not ‘mom-of-the-year’, in my opinion, anyone who thinks she is, is full of shit! There’s no manual, there’s no rules, there is no single answer. Love and happiness  (and good wine) will get you through any day! So you do you, momma – yoga pants and messy bun approved!

Edit: I want to give a shout out to my husband! Mere minutes after posting this we have this exchange via text…

He is now bringing home pizza and wine when he gets off work! It is because of this man that Elliott and I make it through our days! Much love and thanks for all your support, Jeffrey! 💙💙

Cheers mommas,

Sleep Training?!?!


I learn something new about babies everyday – and I was already beyond confused to begin with!!  Any advice on sleep training??  Let me know what has worked for you!

I’m not  against crying it out so I think we will start with the Ferber method.  I’m thinking the “fading” method may be a good alternative too.

I know Nugget can’t be hungry ALL the time!!! I have read that bigger babies should have easier times sleeping through the night, and he did at one point.  Recently he’s gone from sleeping 12 hours to waking up every 3 or 4.  I’m having a hell of a time trying to distinguish between hunger/habit/sleep regression/etc.  Why is mommy-hood just a giant guessing game?  Where is the freaking manual??

Nap time is a huge mess too, recently.  IF I can get him to nap it lasts anywhere between 20 minutes to 1 hour.  (Except now of course because he decided 3 am – 5:30 am this morning was a good time to be wide awake!)

Needless to say, I’ve had a headache all week and would desperately love some ZZZzzz’s!  Luckily my husband has a pretty good work schedule this week and will be around to help starting this afternoon!! I may just pass off the baby and run away for a while (and by run away I mean drive down the street and sleep in my car!)

Help a momma out ladies!

Cheers mommas,


Teething = no sleep!

Hello mommas!

So we have arrived at the dreaded teething stage….

Nugget man got his first two teeth about 3 or 4 weeks ago.  The bottom two front teeth came in about 2 days apart with very little problems.  I didn’t even know he was teething until it bit down on my finger while we were walking through Target one morning.  Needless to say, a few expletives came out of my mouth (because let’s be honest, those little bitches are SHARP!), I got some funny looks from the lady behind me, and I proceeded to the baby aisle to buy any and everything I could find for teething babies!  Other than waking a few more times through out the night, little man took it like a champ!

Now I know little ones enjoy putting things in their mouths, but these days that seems to be the only relief Nugget can get.

I know I’ve said it before, but EVERYTHING goes in his mouth!!  Obviously I don’t remember teething, but apparently chewing on things helps.  Not that I mind, we have numerous teething toys, a teething bib (which is new to me), teething tablets, really anything that belongs to Nugget is currently for teething – and some things that don’t belong to him (note the above pictures! HAHA).

Yesterday was no exception to the teething nightmares! Nap time was a well fought battle that my husband and I ended up losing! After an hour of trading off, we tried a bottle, water, etc.  Nothing was working – as soon as Nugget would fall asleep and we tried to put him in his crib he would lose his shit!!  Finally I just gave in.  We decided to play until he just couldn’t take anymore.  Well, little man is quite a fighter – play time lasted for 2 hours.  Eventually we were able to get a little bit of a nap time.

However, that didn’t seem to make a difference come bed time.  He was fighting sleep quite early for him.  He was out by 7:15.  Unfortunately, this didn’t last long.  Around 10:30 round 2 of our battle began.  I attempted to put him back to sleep – no luck.  My husband attempted to put him back to sleep – no luck.  I brought out the teething tablets and the Tylenol; after meds and a bottle (and another hour of pushing our buttons) round 2 victory went to the parents! Until 5 am.  I was lucky then, it only took about 30 minutes!

Around 8:00 this morning the screaming began again! I was still tired so I attempted the lazy way out and just put him in bed with me.  He was probably laughing at me while he plotted his ginormous hissy fit this morning!  Let’s just say round 4 goes to Nugget Man – by a landslide!

I know I’m in for a long road and that the teething is not just temporary.  However, I’m running out of tricks! Over the last month I have tried everything I can think of – tablets, Tylenol, teethers, even whiskey!  I’m looking for some relief (and a little sleep wouldn’t hurt)!

What helped other mommas with their littles teething??  Feel free to let me know in the comments, ladies (and dads)!  Until I can figure something out I may just stock up on the whiskey! 😉  (Don’t freak out – it’s mostly for me!)

Cheers, mommas!


Our First Family Vacation

Hello mommas!
Hope all is well!
Recently we got to experience our first family vacation! I use the term vacation loosely since it had to fall on my husband’s scheduled off days from work, but I’ll take what I can get! We are very lucky that we have a little home away from home that we are able to do little weekend trips like this here and there! Anyways, it was a much needed time and it was so much fun to watch little man experience new things!


After a few hours in the car (which is perfect for him sleeping), it took all the patience in the world to get Nugget to bed the first night! I eventually gave up and just sat down to watch some tv. As soon as I sat down he passed out! My husband finally arrived shortly before midnight and we weren’t far behind the little one. My luck didn’t change, Nugget Man had started teething, was running a low fever, and didn’t want to sleep in the condo! We were up every 3 hours every night! After a load of coffee, we once again were beat by the little one and decided to get up.
The day was a little rainy and quite chilly so it wasn’t necessarily a beach day, but we had to find something to get into. So we took our kid to his first bar! Hahaha don’t worry, it’s family friendly during the day, and if I do say so myself, should be on everyone’s bucket list. The Flora-Bama is notorious for its drinks, live music, and good times! My husband and I were lucky (or not so lucky, due to the tropical storm) enough to get hitched at this local jaunt – a party not soon to be forgotten!
Any who, I hadn’t had oysters in over a year due to being pregnant, so we headed to the Flora-Bama for lunch.


This was the best picture we could manage. Nugget Man was much more concerned with the noises coming from within the bar (the old people get intense with their bingo)! Elliott didn’t last long due to the teething so we soon headed back to the condo for nap time.  That night was much like the first, long and tiresome! Somewhere around 5 am I plopped him in the middle of the bed while Jeff got him a bottle. Apparently this is where he wanted to be…


They both snored peacefully beside me (and in my rib cage) for the next 3 hours! HAHAHA
The next morning we headed to our all time favorite breakfast spot! I can’t tell you where it is cause the locals would probably kill me, but if you happen to find it, you better stop in! 



And yet again, if you can believe it, Elliott stole the show. He was still a little fussy from his new teeth and the servers did everything they could to help – they brought crackers, carrots, rolls, and even toys. Eventually they decided he just needed them to carry him around. They traded him off as they made drinks, took orders and delivered food – as if they did this with a baby on their hip everyday!
After breakfast it was a little warmer so we headed for the water. We had spent plenty of money on baby beach crap, we were determined to use it!



After about an hour Nugget man decided the water was too cold and sand doesn’t taste good, so we headed in. We also attempted the pool but it was still freezing as well! We opted for a movie and pizza from our favorite, deeply missed, pizza joint!
The next day, after lunch at our last go-to spot, Jeffrey had to leave us to head back to work. The Nugget and I stayed behind a few more days to relax with my parents, who showed up later.
Elliott still isn’t sure about the beach, but the hubs and I are grateful for the time we had! I am determined to make the most memories possible and family vacations are a must! The beach was the perfect first trip for my little guy and we’re already planning another one!
Take the time to love your family!
Cheers, mommas!

You have a baby…in a bar!

Let me start my saying that I hope you all enjoyed your St. Patrick’s day! I know I did 😉

As in true fashion, my brother and I were up at the crack of dawn getting ready to head to the bar. Granted he is a firefighter so he really just left work to come and get me and Nugget.  Unfortunately my husband had to work yesterday morning and couldn’t join us until later.  There is only one Irish pub in town, but they did not disappoint! Kegs-n-eggs started promptly at 7:00! Don’t worry, we got there about 8:30 – we’re not complete alcoholics!  Elliott enjoyed his first green scrambled eggs while me and my brother chowed down on some biscuits and gravy, sausage and bacon – and, of course, some green beer! (All surprisingly fresh for bar food!)


It wasn’t long before Nugget became the hit of the party! A table of three older ladies sat next to us – obviously grandmothers.  Elliott smiled and made his way into their conversation as he always does!  Then proceeded to take a nap in the middle of all the craziness! HAHA my kid can sleep anywhere!


During his nap, another group sat at the table on the other side of us.  They were all nurses who had obviously just gotten off work.  I’m not sure there is anything a nurse loves more than an adorable baby…Elliott was happily passed around for the next few hours!

He also did not go unnoticed by the Tuscaloosa News lady! (image courtesy of


Anyways, after a delicious breakfast (and lunch because we stayed too long), maybe one too many green beers, and a slight sunburn, Nugget man fell back asleep and we decided to head out! Needless to say, I was in bed before 9! HAHA Nugget man successfully slept all night after his long day, too!! It’s the small victories in mommy world!

Cheers mommas,


So he’s my kid…

I have spent the last 5 and a half months hearing about how Nugget looks just like his daddy or acts just like his daddy or does ANYTHING just like his daddy! Some days you wonder if anyone realizes mom was there too! HAHA!

Then…throw in real food…

It’s no secret I love food.  In my family I am the “fat kid.”  There is nothing I won’t eat, and I will eat till it’s gone.  When we travel my husband and I will find the local hangouts and eat something new! My favorite thing to do on vacation is eat – it truly is a wonder I don’t weigh 500 pounds!  Well recently we introduced Elliott to food (other than bottles!).

I was thoroughly relieved to finally be rid of breastfeeding.  I know it was only 5 short months and I’m sure some mom somewhere will bash on me for quitting so soon, but they can shove it! While I was glad to enjoy the bonding experience with Nugget as a newborn, I’m over it. I was so tired of pumping and breast feeding and breast feeding and pumping; it felt as if my boob was literally always attached to something! The transition to formula went fairly smooth.  We did have to find the right ratio of formula to water and figure out which bottles worked best, but after only 4 sessions of projectile vomiting (and a crap load of laundry) we seemed to have a good match!  However, I think the chunky monkey was more excited about real food!  Of course there is the fact that he started snatching bottles out of my hands cause I apparently wasn’t moving quick enough.


The doctor had told me that once he starts watching you eat, you can start introducing other foods to him; that he was interested enough to figure it out on his own.  Well he’s been paying attention forever!  No problem with spoons, whatsoever!!  It started with a bite here and there; some of my bread at dinner, some sweet potatoes at the restaurant, some frozen yogurt in an attempt to ease some teething pain.  We finally started getting some baby food pouches at the grocery store and now it’s like you can’t feed him fast enough! (He grabs your hands to let you know you’re moving too slow.)

Although the doctor did inform me at his 4 month checkup that anything more than breast milk and/or formula was still  not necessary until 6 months, I’m pretty sure the Nugget has his own plans.  He took to food like a fish to water…just like his momma! 😉 I can’t really argue with him though, you don’t grow to be almost 20 pounds at 4 months without knowing how to eat!  Getting out and about does seem to require a little more forethought now though…he can’t do anything until he eats! HAHAHA!


It’s also quite fun to see the faces he makes when he gets to try something new.  Every spoonful of food always get the same initial first look of confusion, then turns to either content or disgust. Of course, so far we have only turned down carrots – and I may need to just plant some banana trees and sweet potatoes in my yard, it would be cheaper!  Anyways, there’s no denying him these days – we just sit and pig out together!  Now if we could just get back to the days of sleeping through the night without needing to eat every 3 hours…

Cheers mommas!


Nap Time

Hello moms!

Nugget is down for a quick nap so I figured I would start sharing!

A slow start to a long day began when my mother called me (as she had done every morning for about the entire last month of my pregnancy) to ask if I wanted to go see a movie.  She was on a kick to help keep my mind and body occupied until the little one made his grand debut.  In all honesty, she probably kept me sane in doing so.  Anyway, as we had many days before, we decided to get out of the house to help time pass quicker.  At this point, my doctor has already scheduled my induction for Thursday, September 24th.  My husband and I had made all our plans for him to be off work; I had already left work due to discomfort.  Our bags were packed and ready to go.  We had already resigned ourselves to being induced and I had pretty much given up hope on Nugget arriving on his own (he showed absolutely no signs of budging!).

After the movie, which I oddly can not even recall now, we headed to the historic art district of the next town over to check out some little shops and boutiques that we were interested in.  After walking main street, and what seemed like 743 miles to my 17 month pregnant ass, we decided to grab a scooby snack at a local restaurant.  The air conditioning felt like a dream!  We ordered some waters and some Greek nachos.  As we sat talking, I got quite the strange feeling.  At 3:15 pm, it literally felt like someone had punched my lady bits from the inside!! I laughed as I told my mom how strange baby movements were.  She slowly asked if my water had broken…not having ever experienced this before, I was clueless!  I knew that I had to pee but as I stood to excuse myself I became quite certain that it was game time!

I rushed to the bathroom as my mother yelled across the restaurant to cancel our orders and informed the entire staff of my situation (thanks, mom!).  The next few minutes were quite a blur as I tried to gather myself.  The only thing I remember before rushing to the car was a man who apparently couldn’t read entering the women’s room and my mother proudly proclaiming “come on in, we’ll have a party!”  If you knew my mother, you would understand – she’s a weird lady!

After getting in the car, I called the doctor, we were only about 5 minutes from her office.  She agreed that my water had probably broken but, given our location, she told me to come to the office first.  I called my husband at work to inform  him that Nugget had his own plans and we were in motion! I remember how calm the doctor was while she checked everything out and slowly chatted with my mom about God knows what! (She’s a talker!) All I could think was that we had more important and slightly urgent things going on and she just wanted to chit chat! I had to keep reminding myself that this was not her first rodeo.

I only waited at the hospital for about 5 minutes before being directed to my room.  My husband came through the door about 10 minutes after that.  I’m pretty sure he broke land speed records to get to the hospital from work an hour away. After him and I mother called all the appropriate people, the flood of anticipated visitors began. You don’t quite realize how many friends and family you have until moments like these.  I will also give credit to Northport Women’s center – y’all know how to pack a room full of people!  After only a few hours, it was time!  My epidural had kicked in fully and I felt fine. HAHA.  I recall the nurse telling me to “hold on” at one point and all I could think was that I couldn’t even feel anything, how on earth was I supposed to control it! About 15 minutes later, at 9:27 pm, we had a Nugget! And – as they say – everything else faded away.  The last nine months seemed like a blip in time.  The last few hours almost never existed.  I was in my own little perfect bubble with my son and my husband.

After the mad rush of visitors and love, I pretty much crashed! I had allowed the nursing staff to take Elliott to the nursery so I could at least get a few minutes of sleep.  The next two days were filled with visitors, nurses, doctors, even a photographer (there was not, however, any more sleep).

We loaded up all of our stuff (we seemed to have exploded in the hospital room) and headed for the car.  As we sat in front of the entrance and watched the nurse walk back inside, we had to fight the urge to run back in crying and asking why they were giving us responsibility of this precious, beautiful, BREAKABLE child!

We arrived home to clean house and a warm meal – thanks (again) mom! We slowly unpacked as I had to learn to maneuver after I had passed a 8 pound 14 ounce bowling ball through my body.  Luckily the mass invasion of visitors at home would wait one more day.  My husband and I were in for a long, loooonngg night of learning how to family…

Right after I threw a hissy fit and cried some huge crocodile tears over the fact that my husband had left my shampoo at the hospital and I did not want to use his!

Cheers, mommas!


